Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goldilocks and the Three Brewers

I apologise for not posting last week, life has been crazy.

The Blonde with the blonde
Today I’m going to focus on a bar I went to a little while ago with some friends in Toronto. It’s called the Three Brewers and they only serve their own craft beer.

They have a blonde, an amber, a white and a dark. Naturally, I went for the blonde because that is my usual preference (and being the girly-girl I am, I like to order to match my hair colour).

Well, much to my surprise, and disappointment, I was not wild about the blonde beer. When my friend told me to try their amber, I was a little hesitant. Amber beers are not normally my favourite, and since I didn’t like the blonde I was not very motivated to try another. But for the sake of the blog, I gave it a go. And this time I was pleasantly surprised.

The amber was not too strong or bitter, in fact it was just right. The moral of the story is? Sometimes you have to take the Goldilocks route and test them all until you find the one that is just right.

The Lager Lady